
Si segnala la special issue della rivista Sustainability in tema "Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management: Evolution and Future Trends", che la dott.ssa Guglielmetti sta curando insieme alle colleghe Enrica Vesce e Olimpia Martucci.

Di seguito alcune indicazioni utili e il link dello Special Issue.


The recent COVID-19 epidemic have been starting a debate on the future trends of the globalized operations management in both manufacturing and service industries, emphasizing the need to realize a systematic shift toward more sustainable practices both from production and consumption patterns. Indeed, the Agenda 2030 proposes to develop more responsible production and consumption (Goal 12), emphasising the necessity to reduce waste and to be more effective and efficient in the usage of natural resources (energy water etc.).

This Special Issue aims at publishing high-quality research papers on the inter-disciplinary field of Sustainable Operations Management, focusing on contributions related to evolution and future trends of Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management both in manufacturing (food, medical devices, pharmaceutical etc.) and service (healthcare, educations, transportations, tourism etc.) industries.



A causa dell'emergenza sanitaria nazionale dovuta alla pandemia del COVID-19, il IX Convegno dell'Associazione Rete Italiana LCA (XIV della Rete Italiana LCA) è rinviato alle date  9-11 dicembre 2020 sempre nella stessa località (Cortina d'Ampezzo).

Le nuove scadenze sono sul sito web della Rete Italiana di LCA.



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